Manchester Translation, Interpretation and Language Tuition services throughout Greater Manchester & Lancashire
Picture of old telephone
Monday 10th February 2025

Contact us

Request a free call back
Busy at the moment? Request a free call back at a time to suit you.

IBC Language Services Ltd are based in Bolton, Greater Manchester with an Interpretation service area consisting of most of Northern England, North Wales and Yorkshire. However, we do provide Interpreters further afield - subject to availability.


Please note that an appointment is required before visiting our offices.

Telephone: 0844 586 31 51 (10:00 -18:00 office hours)
Mobile: 07017 46 88 40 (24 hours Emergency only)
Fax: 0844 586 31 52
Click here for information on our call charges


For translation enquires please fill in our translation quote request form stating the language required, approximate amount of text (words/pages) and any project times / deadlines. Please note that there may be an additional fee for deadlines under 4 working days. With this in mind, please consider the method by which you send the text to us - the quickest method being email.


To book an interpreter please fill in our Interpreter request form with the language required, start time, date and full address. Try to give as much notice as possible when booking an interpreter, especially if one is required for a court appearance. Once you receive a quote please note: Interpretation bookings must be confirmed in writing via email. Only once this is received will a confirmation be sent out and a formal booking made.

If you do not receive a reply, please telephone on: 0844 586 31 51 immediately to ensure your booking is confirmed.

Internet Marketing & Research

Please email us with details of your requirements and target country / languages.

Employment Enquires

If you are a qualified Interpreter or translator , then please fill in our online registration form. Recognised qualifications include DPSI, Community Interpretation Level 3 or relevant related higher education diploma. .

Call charges

IBC Language Services Limited use the call forwarding services of Flextel Ltd - the UK's leading provider of fixed cost 08 Business and 07 Mobile numbers.

All rates are calculated to the minute. Our communications consultants receive a small call commission from our use of this service. For more information please feel free to contact us.

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